


Thursday 18 September 2014

The Importance of Remote Network Monitoring

Remote Network MonitoringMost network designers commonly begin implementing network monitoring solutions before a particular network security problem has been properly identified. Perhaps one reason for this is that coming up with an effective network security policy means asking some difficult questions about what types of Internet work services and resources you are going to allow your users to access and which ones you will have to restrict because of security risks.

If your users currently enjoy unrestricted access to the network, it can be difficult to enforce a policy that restricts their access. You should also keep in mind that the network policy that you should use is such that it will not impair the functioning of your organization. A network security policy that prevents network users from effectively implementing their tasks can have an unwanted consequence. Network users may find ways of bypassing your network policy, rendering it ineffective. Keeping these circumstances in mind, remote network monitoring seems to be a more advisable solution.

An effective network security policy is something that all network users and network administrators can accept and are willing to enforce. An organization can have multiple sites with each site having its own networks. If the organization is large, it is quite probable that the sites have differing network administrations with different goals and objectives. If these sites are not connected through an internal network, each of these sites may have their network security policies. However, if the sites are connected through an internal network, the network policy should encompass the goals of all the interconnected sites. Remote network monitoring then becomes imperative.


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